3 UMMA Objects
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Wooden helmet-shaped mask with a large central dome. From the front two flat plates form a mouth, with triangular ears on each side while two curved horns extend back. There is a crack along the center of the mask that appears to have been repaired locally with pitch or tar.
Chamba (Chamba (Nigerian))
1900 – 1974
Museum Purchase
A black and white photo of bushes growing in a volcanic crater.
Brett Weston (American (North American))
Untitled, (Volcanic Crater, Death Valley)
Gift of Margaret and Howard Bond
Carved mask with an elongated, protruding nose that extends to the bottom of the mask. The mouth is open with articulated teeth.
Baulé (Baule (culture))
Monkey Mask
20th century
Gift of Michael and Phyllis Courlander